
Companion Fitness can help with:

  • Design personalized home-based programs for clients with Parkinsons
  • Designing personalized home based programs to fit individuals strengths, weaknesses, and needs
  • Developing group fitness schedule and programs
  • Providing continuum of care after physical therapy to patients with physical and mental ailments
  • Pioneering programs for patients with Alzheimer’s and Dementia (See Below)
  • Delivering conference presentations regarding constructing fitness programs
  • Creating and administering an employee fitness program
  • Develop, organize, and deliver private and group personal training
  • Facilitate Osteopenia Osteoporosis group training
  • Creating and teaching Chisel, Sculpt & Strength, Aqua, Cycle, TRX and Yoga Classes

More details about our Parkinson’s program

The program we have developed is a combination of Rock Steady Boxing and Delay the Disease. Our programs helps people to understand Parkinson’s and the symptoms that may or may not develop in the future. We focus on creating new, strong habits and breaking old, bad habits that they have developed because of Parkinson’s. We don’t just work on boxing, we work on balance, muscular strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular strength. We also work on the small motor skills such as eye exercises, swallowing exercises, voice activation exercises, hand exercises, and so on. Eacph class is always different and we focus on mixing it up.

We have also implemented an Aqua Boxing class which helps to build our patient’s confidence and strength without the fear of falling. These programs have also become a great support group for people with Parkinson’s. They become very close to one another and have created a family-like atmosphere. We developed this program with the intent to give back to the community and make a difference in people’s lives.

Licensed Biofeedback Specialist 

Explore Quantum Biofeedback with Us

The LIFE System is a modern biofeedback device that works on a quantum level via information exchange with the body. The LIFE System identifies stress potentials within the body and applies feedback in the form of subtle frequencies to bring the body into healthy resonance.

Designed in 2003, The LIFE System is used worldwide and is FDA Registered for Stress Reduction. Safe, effective, and easy to use, The LIFE System is health optimization for the new millennium!

  • Offers solutions in a new wellness paradigm, based on Bio-Physics
  • Interactive software provides visual display of all imbalances and stress factors in real-time
  • Non-biased, comprehensive evaluation of the body’s stress
  • Identifies and harmonizes emotional, mental and physical imbalances
  • Software is easy to learn and easy to use
  • Customized training and exclusive online resources
  • FDA Registered as a Stress Relief Device